The Boys Highlights 1965 - 1968.


Pretoria Boys High was the South African high school I attended in the 60's.

These were my formative years during which I learned a lot that served me well during my professional life.

Listed below are the first editions of the Pretoria Boys Highlights.

These are newspapers written and editted by the schoolboys.

Click on a link below to download the newspaper in pdf format.

Enjoy !

1965 First Term Volume 1

1965 Second Term Volume 1

1965 Third and Fourth Terms Volume 1

1966 First Term Volume 2

1966 Second Term Volume 2

1966 Third and Fourth Terms Volume 2

1967 First Term Volume 3

1967 Second Term Volume 3

1967 Third and Fourth Terms Volume 3

1968 First and Second Terms Volume 4