Welcome - this site is hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3B+
Thank you for all offers for website improvements but I have no interest, so please don't email me about this.
Any emails with this type of offer will not be answered and the sender will be added to spam blacklist.
Thank you for understanding.
Access to which site is determined by login.
Image quality is deliberately held low for speed reasons and to deter unauthorised copying for commercial usage.
Fail2ban is in use to block hacking attempts. This due to a lot of break-in attempts.
The Raspberry Pi is also hosting domotica, internal dns and network monitoring.
Tried to add octoprint for a laser cutter but that was just a bit too ambitious for the Pi, video was very chunky at best. So was removed.
Goede Photography Moerdijk is definitely not a business, just a very fun hobby.
You can reach me at email address
6 Jan - Finally got round to cleaning out photo galleries.